Bias on college campuses is often more subtle than not. Many times it comes in the form of mockery and intimidation. Professors and students alike will demean someone that you happen to like, whether it is a conservative philosopher or a current politician. A great example of this is how an English professor is going after President Trump through the selection of texts for the course.

  • A University of Colorado at Colorado Springs rhetoric course requires students to read textbooks that bemoan the “Trump effect” and describe Trump supporters as prejudiced against immigrants, Muslims, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • The course, which fulfills a graduation requirement, also assigns supplementary readings from liberal outlets, such as an “NPR piece about fake news” and a New York Times op-ed questioning whether Breitbart is “an ethical rhetor.” – Campus Reform

Campus Reform is a great outlet to report this bias to. Remember, no mainstream philosophy should be attacked the way conservatism is on college campuses. If you need help backing up your beliefs, check out our classical liberalism philosophy section!

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